Welcome to this Room 11 blog. Our learning philosophy is to LEARN, CREATE an artifact that shows our learning, and then SHARE it in creative ways, including posting it here on this blog.The purpose of this blog is for students to become accustomed to sharing their learning, recieving feedback, and preparing them for having their very own blog.While students will make every effort to have work corrected and error free it is in fact authentic student work, showing where students are at, and so there are likely to be some mistakes. The aim is to note progress and improvement, and we expect to see this over time.

Monday 3 June 2013

 Year 6 camp

Day one
On the first day of camp I got told what cabin I was in and who was in my cabin, the people in my cabin were Eden, Emilen and I we were in the house. The house was where we all watched movies at night before we went to bed. Also we got put into groups for going around the activities in. my leader was Eden and I was very surprised I was not a leader to.
The first activity that I did were archery and art, I was not the best at archery but we got three arrows to shoot and it was really fun but I was not the best at archery as you know, when I tried to shoot the arrow the arrow kept on slipping out of the bow and that embarrassed me a lot, but at least I got one arrow inside the red part of the circle thingy. But I wish I got it in the yellow part because that was the middle of the circle thingy.  But I think I did okay.
With the art we did carving, I carved waves but it shore did   not look like it. It just looked like something rather weird. But I thought that weird thing looked rather cool. Manarkies broke because he poked too much holes through the thing we were carving on. Most of the people in my group were making volcanoes. I found that fun too.
The next activity that I went to was the confident course the confident course it was really fun.in the confident course you have to run up tyres and you would be timed and who ever had the fastest time there  name would be written on the window. I did not get the fastest time in my group but my friend  Samantha got the fastest time her time was 31secounds and mine was 32 second’s sit was really close but she still won. The tyres were the funniest thing I did that day it was a terrific and so fun, also with the confident course you got to do low ropes that was fun too.
After this confident course it was time for the pool and the long amazing waterslide. The pool was so cold I hardly went in the pool because it was freezing so I was just about to leave but then my friend Iona pushed me in the pool and I goose bums all over my body and blue lips, me and Iona just started laughing but I was so cold.
After the pool it was time for the amazing terrific water slide. We all lined up behind the slide and then we waited and waited and waited till we finally got on. I was so excited to go on it. I went on the waterslide with emiliene Eden and i. When we went down we were screaming our eyes off well most of us were and we tried to stop and the muddy part but we failed so we got all muddy and dirty just like poo. After we were finished at the waterslide we had to take a nice hot shower to cool us down. Then we had nice dinner because were starving to death. Next we had to get in our pyjamas on get our sleeping bags and head off to the lounge to watch a movie. We got a vote each most of the people voted for was the guardians of ghoul. I really liked the movie it was very interesting. We finally finished the movie and it was time for bed. We had to go to the bathroom to brush our teeth. Next it was time to settle in bed. Everybody was tired after a long day, and tomorrow we have to do more activities.
Day 2
In the morning i got ready for breakfast when I was ready I headed to the breakfast table and I had a piece of toast for breakfast. Then I had to wash my discourse in a huge tub that was fun because I put the bubbles on my face pretending I was Santa clause.
The first activity I did this day was low ropes that was fun and scary at the same time but it was manly fun, the funniest thing on the low ropes was the stepping stones but they were all fun.  When it was time to go down from the low ropes you connect the harness to the rope that that takes you down and the guy will pull you down the guy would not put me down he just left me hanging   there but he finally let me down and I got unharnessed jumped on the tramp with Eden for a while and then the whistle blew and we lined up in our group and found out what activity we were doing next. The next activity we did was making    `g tents and picklets, making the tents and picklet’s it was really fun I made a floppy ugly fat picklet but it tasted delicious with some jam, also I made a tent out of tarpaulin and rope I got to go in a group the people in my group was Eden and Samantha and I we made an awesome tent in the bush it look really cool we used
Day 3
Today was one of the best days at camp it was the day were we run up the mountain, when we got to the mountain I was so nerves but existed to when the whistle blew everyone ran like crazy and people got pushed to the side on the way up i was talking to Maxine, when we were at the finish line there was a little bit of  but then Charlie whizzed past and knocked me and I slipped but I basically tied with Maxine so we basically tied and we got to share the cup.

The end By Jasmine Rickard


  1. Hi! Jasmine, I liked the way you split your story into the different days. Your next step is to check that you use the correct tense..... The next day we run / ran up the mountain." Are there any other errors you can spot?
    I also liked the way you described the piklet as "floppy, ugly and fat" because the adjectives help me get a picture of it in my head.

  2. Hi Jasmine,I loved reading this story, it was great to read about all the cool things that you got up to at camp. Well done!
