Maine Coon Cats
By Lucy-RM 11
This report is all about Maine Coons. Maine Coons are a breed of cat.
They are a type of domestic cat, and are usually long-haired.
I hope this report helps you learn about Maine Coon cats!
What they look like;
The Maine Coon cats that are long-haired tend to get VERY fluffy.
The way to tell that your cat’s breed is a Maine Coon, you should spot a mark on their forehead that looks like an M. The most common colour of a Maine Coon is a brown sort of tabby. They can come in a variety of different colours like Silver, camo and some other colours.
Where they are from;
The maine coon cat was originated in New England.
People from Europe brought their domestic cats with them.
Maine Coons are North America’s only longhaired, native cat.
How Maine Coons act/behave;
Maine Coons are good hunters.
They are always very interested in what human-beings do.
For example, if you’re washing the dishes, you’re Maine Coon will be very interested.
My Maine Coon cat likes to watch someone when they are sweeping in the kitchen with a broom.
I love my Maine Coon cat called Jemima because she thinks she is a human. She likes to sit on the couch with her belly showing.
← My cat Jemima
These are some of the sites I went to:
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