By Teneka
What Saddlebacks look like.
All saddlebacks have a chest nut saddle on their backs. That is how they got their name. The rest of their bodies are mostly black. Apart from their saddle and their wattles on each side of their faces. and a little bit of chestnut feathers on their tail.
How saddlebacks function.
Like most birds saddlebacks can fly. This is how they do it.Like all flying birds saddlebacks have light bones that help them fly but main thing is that they have one feather on each wing called the flight feather.
Saddleback’s behaviour.
Saddlebacks make a clicking sound.Saddlebacks bound from tree to tree most of the time. But sometimes they fly they but they can't fly for that long.
Saddleback’s habitat
Saddlebacks live on islands in new zealand.They use to live on the mainland but they got kicked out when the people from europe and took over saddlebacks homes in the main land.
Where I got the information
wikipedia,nzs native land birds,saddlebacks and saddleback kiwi club.
comments:they even have a church called saddleback church.Posted by Teneka
nice.... i find it informative and good job with were you got it from