day they went to the nether
by Adam Ethan and Sam 25.3.13 !

One mine craft day when Sam was in
his mine he looked up and found a diamond. He went up to tell his friend Ethan,
Adam and Dylan. But when he went up he realised it was night. There was a
creeper, skeleton and a zombie. He had no weapons except a wooden sword. He had
to, so he went thru with full health and came out with half a health. He was
very lucky to survive but at least he still had his 8 diamonds. He mad
everybody a diamond sword to keep for them. They all went outside to kill some creepers
with their diamond swords. When they got back they crafted TNT. They multiplied
all of TNT until they had a stack of TNT. They did prank wars and they got the
same amount of TNT
each. Sam went to everybody’s house and put TNT under
their beds. Ethan put a pressure plate next to everybody’s door and put TNT
under it. Adam put Redstone by the door to the back of the house with TNT by
the Redstone. Dylan put a trapdoor by the house and when everybody fell down
the trapdoor they hit a pressure plate that had TNT under it. After prank wars
they all fixed their houses back to how it was. They all went back into their
mines to find gold iron and diamond so they can travel to the nether. When they
found all the gold iron and diamonds they crafted they nether reactor and 4
butter blocks. They all crafted diamond amour and a sword. They went outside to
a flat spot far from their house to build the nether reactor. They hit the nether reactor core, it went
pitch black and then they started collecting all the stuff before the zombie
pig man spawn. When they did they started killing them to get all of the
butter. Then the core broke and they collected all of the obsidian. They made a
base in the nether and they used the glow stone as light so the mobs would not
killed by them. At first they had to kill all the mobs that
were all ready there. They
all went into a different story of the nether. Once the mobs were killed the
story they were in was the story were there base was.
The top base had a balcony that was all ready built
out of nether rack. Sam picked the top story Adam picked the 3rd to
top story Ethan picked the 2nd story and Dylan picked the bottom
story. They all went back to their houses to get their stuff for their base in
the nether. They had to do a 2nd round to get all of their stuff
there. When they did they went out to kill some mobs and they got ten bone
thirteen arrows twelve string eighteen feathers and sixteen gunpowder. They
went back to the base and put all of their stuff together and some other stuff
from their chest and crafted tons of stuff. They were filthy rich of everything
well nearly. Two of them went to a biome to find some emeralds and the other
two went to kill some ender man to get ender pearls. They did not get much
before they died so they re spawned at their beds and they ran the double tap
sprint hop to get their stuff before it disappears. They made it just in time but the ender man
kept on killing them. They ran away before they got killed again. They went
back to their bases and looked in their chest and found ten emeralds. They both
went to find the others at their base and saw them holding diamonds then
emeralds then gold then iron then coal then stone. Well they were holding all
that stuff a creeper came out from the mine and blew them up. The other two
survived and collected all their stuff and rebuilt were the creeper explosion.
They put all their stuff back in their chest and went to find them. On the way
there was an iron golem they had to fight it. Adam died and Sam collected all
his stuff and kept on heading to the re spawn place he found Ethan and Dylan
but not Adam so they kept on looking for him. Then they found him and they went
back to their bases

nice man:)