Welcome to this Room 11 blog. Our learning philosophy is to LEARN, CREATE an artifact that shows our learning, and then SHARE it in creative ways, including posting it here on this blog.The purpose of this blog is for students to become accustomed to sharing their learning, recieving feedback, and preparing them for having their very own blog.While students will make every effort to have work corrected and error free it is in fact authentic student work, showing where students are at, and so there are likely to be some mistakes. The aim is to note progress and improvement, and we expect to see this over time.

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

The big startling shake

      The big startling shake
 30,7,13 By Hannah
On Sunday the 21st of July at 5.09 a 6.5 earthquake started in Seddon south of Wellington. There were a series of earthquakes from the very beginning of Sunday morning right to the very last light on Sunday afternoon. There were lots of small and high level earthquakes but this was the biggest of them all. It coursed some damage like some shattered windows and some cracks in buildings. Damage occurred in the lower north island and the upper South island. The rest of the country felt it but didn’t find any damage.
It startled lots of people. I was a little sick when the quake hit so I thought it was me but after a bit I knew it was an earthquake. I ran to the door and stayed there until it was over. After the earthquake lots of people where at the shops stocking up on their survival kits in case there was another one as big. Scientists say that it is unlikely that there will be another one as big but there is still a chance.
It was quit frightening but exciting at the same time. It is an experience I won’t forget, not for a while anyway.

By Hannah



  1. great job Hannah great writing i'm wordless

  2. This is a really cool story!
    You must have not felt the one on Friday morning, because there was a severe Earthquake on Friday at 9:06 AM and I was in the toilet haha.
    It was interesting and I would be very interested to know more if I was not in the Earthquake.
    I felt 3 big earthquakes and like 2 seconds of the one at 1:00 AM the other morning.
    Like I said it is really interesting and good punctuation!
    I liked how you told us where, when, what and how big.

    Next time remember maybe more paragraphs.


  3. cool work hannah i like your story:)!
