On Tuesday
the 2nd of July room 11 and some other classes went on a Te Papa
trip we travelled there by bus with parents on board. When we got there we had
some morning tea at the entrance of Te Papa. While the first group went up for
there matariki session. My group had hannnah, Adain, Charlie, and George. After
we went into Te Papa and we put our bags in this cage so we didn’t have to
carry them around.
Then we went
into awesome forces with our parent Adains dad. We had to a pad to answer questions.
We saw these lave rocks they were really heavy. Next I jumped on the rictor
jump I only got up to 3. Then it got funnier
I went into the earthquake house but it was not really shaky. Then we went up
to blood earth fire it was really fun we went in this thing called find the
invaders witch we had to find incects in
a crate. Next we had a look at the moari art then we went on this nice lookout
it was really windy.
Next we went
to our matariki session there was a man telling us about matariki. He toke us
into starland. Starland is a tent where you go inside you turn the lights off
and all the matariki stars sine on the sky there were red and green ones to.
The green ones are the younger stars and the red stars are the older stars.
matariki session we had free time. I looked at the quid plus we had to control
this big fat baby. Then we played giant connect 4 Then we looked at the olden
day stuff. I really liked having free time and we toke a little look at the
kids discovery centre.
Next we got
at the entrance of Te Papa got our bags out of the cages hopped on the bus and headed
back to school.
who did this one