Welcome to this Room 11 blog. Our learning philosophy is to LEARN, CREATE an artifact that shows our learning, and then SHARE it in creative ways, including posting it here on this blog.The purpose of this blog is for students to become accustomed to sharing their learning, recieving feedback, and preparing them for having their very own blog.While students will make every effort to have work corrected and error free it is in fact authentic student work, showing where students are at, and so there are likely to be some mistakes. The aim is to note progress and improvement, and we expect to see this over time.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

A Fun Trip to Te Papa

A Fun Trip to Te Papa
By Kenza Si-Lounis

It was Tuesday the 2nd of July and that was when Rm 11 went with Rm 18 and part of Rm 10 children. When the bell rang Mr Corlett did the roll and then brought us down to where we would get onto the bus. When Mr C told us what group we were in. our group was jasmine, jemma, matarina, Ethan and I and of course my mum was our leader. After that we got onto the bus and I sat with my mum. Then the bus started and off we went.
When we had finally arrived at Te Papa museum we got out of the bus and I walked with my mum and my group but jasmine would not come so my mum went to jasmine and held her hand. She then said “jasmine this is what I have to do to my five year old if she doesn’t behave herself” and then jasmine said “Mr c can I please change groups but Mr C said “no I have got you with just the right parent. Then after that my mum let go of jasmines hand and we went and sat down and ate our morning tea with everyone else.
When we had finished eating my group went inside and put our bags in a big box-cage and then went the awesome forces. The awesome forces were really fun because there was an earthquake house. In the earthquake house it was like there was an earthquake but not a very big one it was just the house going side to side. Then we went and jumped on a Richter scale which measured how big of earthquake you had caused when you jumped. We also got to pick up these rocks that where really big I could only pick up two of them but I could not pick up the iron one it took our whole group to pick that up. Then the last thing that we did in the awesome forces was looking about tectonic plates.
After that we went to see the mountains to the sea and there we saw this fake pig and whenever you went near it, it would make this really scary snorting noise, and that made jemma and matarina scream when they saw it. After that we looked at the giant squid and then I made my own squid on this touch screen computer and sent it to my home computer. We also watched a 3-d movie and it was really funny when jemma went up really close to it and was like this awww look at the cute little jelly fish and then out of nowhere came this really scary fish and swam right at her and she screamed.
After we had done that we went up a staircase to the next floor and there we went to this place called the children’s adventure thing a ma bob and there we played with a giant baby and then we dressed up and did puppet shows and I played on a computer and I also played with a ball machine. We also pretended that we worked in a shop and we were selling things to other people.
After we had done all of that we went with Mr Corlett well my mum was getting herself a coffee. When were with Mr C we went and looked at old fashioned things that the Māori used to use. We also looked at this flag [the flag was the size of those huge flags attached to those huge poles] that you could play with and when you pulled it half way it would make that noise that it did in the old days when someone important died. We also watched a movie with Māori people in it. Then we went and looked at famous peoples pass ports for the old days.
Then after we had done that my mum came back and we went and looked at these Māori houses called the marae and we took off our shoes and went inside of them and jasmine took photos when she was not supposed to but of course she did not get into trouble at some stage my mum said that we better go down and eat our lunch.
When we got down the stairs we went outside we went to the dinosaur pit and ate our lunch and then my mum said that she was going to go and by herself some lunch so she went and that left me feeding all the pigeons it was really fun until Mr C told me not to feed them anymore and so I waited for my mum and then I remembered that I had forgotten my water. So when my mum got back she gave me some of her chocolate cake I said thank you and then I told her that I had forgotten my water and so she said okay then I will go and buy you some water so she took me to the little café and she bought me a Fanta to drink. Then when we got back everyone was so jealous. When we had finished our food we went and looked in this cave and then went back inside the museum.

When we got back inside we went up three huge stair cases and then there we walked up to this place where a lady talked about Matariki and it was sought of boring and we had to come up with a song to sing but of course I could not come up with a song so I did not bother to do it. And it got even worse because Mr C asked me who he thought was a role model and of course I was day dreaming so I had no idea what he said and why he was asking and I muttered you in a quiet voice and then when we had finished the lady took us to another place. When we got there we were told to sit down and listen so we did and we were put into small groups to do a small science project the science project was to have a magnet stuck to a little white board and with the magnet you had to put an l.e.d light on it and the a battery on top of it and try to make the light work. Once my group and everyone else had done that we were told to take our shoes off when we had done that we were taken into this big tent witch was all dark until the lady turned on her torch and we sat around the edge of the big tent. She then turned the light off and put on this big thing witch showed us all of the stars and showed us some constellation’s to. When she had shown us all of that we went all the way down all the stairs and we ran to the bus so that we could get the best seats and guess what my mum and I got the exact same seat as last time. When we were all comfortable we were ready to go back to school and that was not fun especially when you are stuck in a bus full of kids singing twinkle twinkle and who know what else!              


  1. wow kenza thats a lot of words its a good story but there is no puncuation

    1. sorry why don"t you just try and make a one thousand word

  2. Hi! Kenza,
    I agree with Ioana about the need for more punctuation. Punctuation makes the story flow and easier to read. It is a pity, after so much work, to have your readers stop before they get to the end because they are mentally correcting your work to make it make sense.
    Also, I think you are being a bit defensive - Ioana's comment was there to suggest ways to improve your work - feedback. What would be helpful might be if she also included a positive comment as well.
    I do like that your story has got lots of content so it helps me get a good idea of the things you did at Te Papa.
    Mr Corlett

  3. thats massive well done
