Welcome to this Room 11 blog. Our learning philosophy is to LEARN, CREATE an artifact that shows our learning, and then SHARE it in creative ways, including posting it here on this blog.The purpose of this blog is for students to become accustomed to sharing their learning, recieving feedback, and preparing them for having their very own blog.While students will make every effort to have work corrected and error free it is in fact authentic student work, showing where students are at, and so there are likely to be some mistakes. The aim is to note progress and improvement, and we expect to see this over time.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Te Papa trip

Te Papa trip

On Tuesday the 2nd of July in room 11 of Waikanae School We all got to school really early. And then Mr. Corlett called the roll and then we lined up to catch the bus. We were on the bus and it took 1 HOUR!!! To get there but it felt like 20 minutes and then we got off the bus and ate our morning tea at the main entrance. And then we put our bags in these cages at the entrance.

Mountains to sea
First we went into Mountains to sea. I ran into the BIG TREE and hid from Anton’s dad and then I went to see the colossal squid. It is massive!!! And then we saw the 3-D movie of the colossal squid .And then we went to see the bird’s native to New-Zealand and then I looked up to see the pygmy Blue Whale.

Awesome Forces
I ran into Awesome Forces I looked in the telescope you could see through it exactly the same as normal that was alright. Then I jumped onto the Richter scale jump I got 4/5 was my highest that day. Then I went into the earthquake house it was alright it was moving really weirdly. And I saw what New Zealand will look like in 6 million years that was cool it had something to do with the tectonic plates. And I also saw some dinosaur skeletons.

Blood, earth and fire

Then we went into Blood earth and fire. I saw these cool animals and some of them were native to New Zealand. Then we saw the big sheep and then we saw this cool moa we could hear what sound it made. Then we saw this thing that we could see what types of moons there were we could see what a new moon looked like it looked really cool. Then we went into what looked normal but it had booby traps my friend screamed will she looked at the suitcase with a spider in it.

Lunch time

At lunch time we ate our lunch outside the cave when we were finished eating me and Anton ran into the cave we were really loud to the light up bugs then we dug up the mosasaurs dinosaur and then we took some photos on this rock it was a hollow rock. and then it was time to go to the Matariki session it looked so 3-D it was really cool then we all went into the this room with these constellations me Marcus, Vincent, Anton. made the Maori fish hook and then we went into the star lab me and Anton and Vlad were having a play fight and it was pitch black so you could not anything at all and there were some cool constellations and then when we came out we could see the light.

Thank you for reading my recount on going to Te Papa I hope you liked it, was really cool.      
By Joe up to catch the bus. We were on the bus

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