WALT write lists using commas instead of the word ''and''.
10 Things you might find in a lunchbox.
by Joe
In a lunchbox you might find sandwiches, apples, oranges, bananas, cookies, muesli bars, biscuits, pies, mandarins, a cracker and a pear.
10 Things you might find in a school bag.
a lunch box, a soccer ball, a hockey stick, a library book that's over due, a jacket, a dice, a pencil, a lost homework book, a pen and some shoes.
5 Things you might find in a super market
you could find a jar of jam, a cereal box, a box of ice-cream, a drink bottle, and some lollies.
By Joe
This is an exciting blog from Room 11 children giving them the opportunity to learn, create and share their discoveries.
Welcome to this Room 11 blog. Our learning philosophy is to LEARN, CREATE an artifact that shows our learning, and then SHARE it in creative ways, including posting it here on this blog.The purpose of this blog is for students to become accustomed to sharing their learning, recieving feedback, and preparing them for having their very own blog.While students will make every effort to have work corrected and error free it is in fact authentic student work, showing where students are at, and so there are likely to be some mistakes. The aim is to note progress and improvement, and we expect to see this over time.
good work joe. just saying you would find more than one cracker in a lunchbox