Welcome to this Room 11 blog. Our learning philosophy is to LEARN, CREATE an artifact that shows our learning, and then SHARE it in creative ways, including posting it here on this blog.The purpose of this blog is for students to become accustomed to sharing their learning, recieving feedback, and preparing them for having their very own blog.While students will make every effort to have work corrected and error free it is in fact authentic student work, showing where students are at, and so there are likely to be some mistakes. The aim is to note progress and improvement, and we expect to see this over time.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Waikanae School.
Seddon St

Kapiti Coast

Friday 6th September 2013

Dear Room 15,

Hi! We’re Matarena and Jemma,
We have been coming into your class to see how much power you were using because everyone in our class is doing a survey about how much power classes use around the school. Over lunch time and morning tea I have noticed that your class has been using a lot of power, like leaving heaters on, the computers and lights.

I have got some reasons for you why we should save power.  We want to save power so that we can save money for the school and  so that we can get more fun stuff for the the classes, and so that it will help the environment. Wouldn’t you want to spend money on sport gear and all of that fun stuff rather than wasting all of this electricity when you don’t even need it.

Did you know that we have 236 lights in classrooms and that most are left on during playtimes and lunchtimes when nobody is in the room. Remember that as well, there are the ones in the office. There are also 123 desktop computers in classrooms and most of are left on and the staff ones as well plus the ones that the teachers have.  That adds up to a lot of electricity being used.

So if you want to help the school then turn off your lights and other electrical things during playtimes and lunchtimes. Thank You !

Your sincerely,.

Matarena and Jemma.

Here is a photo of Room 15 with their lights on during lunchtime.

Mrs Lemana turns the lights off -  Isn’t she awesome, because she is saving power!

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