Welcome to this Room 11 blog. Our learning philosophy is to LEARN, CREATE an artifact that shows our learning, and then SHARE it in creative ways, including posting it here on this blog.The purpose of this blog is for students to become accustomed to sharing their learning, recieving feedback, and preparing them for having their very own blog.While students will make every effort to have work corrected and error free it is in fact authentic student work, showing where students are at, and so there are likely to be some mistakes. The aim is to note progress and improvement, and we expect to see this over time.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

power leter

Room 6.
Waikanae School.
Seddon St.
New Zealand.


Dear Room 17,

Hi I am Nicolas and I am conor

we are writing this letter to remind you to save Electricity.  waikanae school can save more electricity
so that we can get more sports equipment.

We did a survey on power and you left your lights, the sound system, and the projector on.  
we want you to turn your lights, your sound system, and your projector off.

Thank you for saving power.-_-


  1. Hi! Nicholas,
    Please read the comment I put on the version Conor posted.
    Mr Corlett

  2. good job nick! just next time, maybe more words and less pictures.
