Waikanae School.
Seddon st
Kapiti Coast
Wednesday 4th September 2013
Dear Room 8,
Hi I’m Kenza,
Room 6 are doing a survey on all the power that the school uses and I have been
doing your room over the past few days and seen all the power that you use and room 6
and I with our biggest manners would like you to try and keep all lights off, and by doing
that you will save the school a lot of money. Because wouldn't you want the school spending money on sport gear rather than electricity bills. Did you know that over 236 lights are left on plus the staff room lights and over 123 desktop computers are left on plus the ones that are being used and plugged in, in the staff room to what a waste of electricity isn’t it don’t you think that..
Over the last week I have noticed that you guys have left all of your lights on every single time you go outside for morning tea and lunch.What I have also noticed the big computers have always been left on and never turned off. So all room 6 and I is asking is that can you turn off whatever you are not using well you are gone so that the school isn’t paying bills just because of light and all that not being turned off when they are supposed to. So if you want the school to save the money and spend it on sports gear instead of paying a whole pile of bills that would be better for everyone. Because some kids at school want to have fun as well as work and learn.
So what everyone, even Mr Campbell thinks this but we all need you to please turn off any source of power that you are not using and that would be very helpful for the school. and even Mr Campbell would enjoy not paying all these bills all the time. so if you are wanting to do this then you are doing the school a very big favor thank you for listening and i hope that you have learnt a lot from what i have told you.
Your sincerely
Kenza Si-Lounis.
well done kenza i love your work