WALT write lists using commas instead of the word ''and''.
10 Things you might find in a lunchbox.
by Joe
In a lunchbox you might find sandwiches, apples, oranges, bananas, cookies, muesli bars, biscuits, pies, mandarins, a cracker and a pear.
10 Things you might find in a school bag.
a lunch box, a soccer ball, a hockey stick, a library book that's over due, a jacket, a dice, a pencil, a lost homework book, a pen and some shoes.
5 Things you might find in a super market
you could find a jar of jam, a cereal box, a box of ice-cream, a drink bottle, and some lollies.
By Joe
This is an exciting blog from Room 11 children giving them the opportunity to learn, create and share their discoveries.
Welcome to this Room 11 blog. Our learning philosophy is to LEARN, CREATE an artifact that shows our learning, and then SHARE it in creative ways, including posting it here on this blog.The purpose of this blog is for students to become accustomed to sharing their learning, recieving feedback, and preparing them for having their very own blog.While students will make every effort to have work corrected and error free it is in fact authentic student work, showing where students are at, and so there are likely to be some mistakes. The aim is to note progress and improvement, and we expect to see this over time.
Monday, 16 September 2013
WALT: write lists using commas instead of the word "and"
10 things you might find in a lunchbox:
In a lunchbox you might find cookies, apples, sandwiches, a pie, muffin, cake, popcorn, cheese, chocolate and carrots.
10 things you might find in a school bag:
lost Homework book, crumbs from food, drink bottle, jacket, shoes, lunchbox, top, pants, Ipod and phone.
By Sam
Sunday, 15 September 2013
Seddon st
Waikanae School
Kapiti Coast
Dear Rooms 7 and 16
Hi, this is Adam , Ethan and Sam and we want you to
turn power off during playtimes and if you're not using them. The problem is
that this school is wasting power and money so turn of all your power while
morning tea and lunch!!!
We discovered that there are up to 235 classroom
lights are left on and over 123 desktops computers screens left on and there
are also the staff room lights and computers that wastes a lot of power.
So we should turn them off so we can buy
more sport gear and more fun stuff and art
equipment for the school.
So can you please turn off all of your lights and
computers at morning tea and lunch time and we can save power and money
for the school. Then we can buy more cool stuff.So please turn off the power at
morning tea and lunch times.
Room 15 was using a lot of power because there is
11 desktops and 24 lights that are left on!!! A day so please turn of all the
at morning tea and lunch times and we will
save power to buy more fun stuff and sport gear for the school.
So join us and turn off all of your power to save
our money and thanks for reading!
By Adam, Ethan and Sam
Thursday, 12 September 2013
Room 6.
Waikanae School.
Seddon St.
New Zealand.
Dear Room 17,
Hi I am Nicolas and I am conor
we are writing this letter to remind you to save Electricity. waikanae school can save more electricity
so that we can get more sports equipment.
We did a survey on power and you left your lights, the sound system, and the projector on. 

we want you to turn your lights, your sound system, and your projector off.
It will help the school save power.
Thank you for saving power.-_-
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
power letter
Seddon. Street
September 7th
Room 6
dear room 1 we are learning to save power and we are suggesting you turn off lights and other stuff that you are not using when you aren't in the class room so that you don't waste electricity we are also doing power surveys to find out how many rooms have power on because using electricity causes global warming .
September 7th
Room 6
dear room 1 we are learning to save power and we are suggesting you turn off lights and other stuff that you are not using when you aren't in the class room so that you don't waste electricity we are also doing power surveys to find out how many rooms have power on because using electricity causes global warming .
power leter
Room 6.
Waikanae School.
Seddon St.
New Zealand.
Dear Room 17,
Hi I am Nicolas and I am conor
we are writing this letter to remind you to save Electricity. waikanae school can save more electricity
so that we can get more sports equipment.
We did a survey on power and you left your lights, the sound system, and the projector on. 

we want you to turn your lights, your sound system, and your projector off.
Thank you for saving power.-_-
Waikanae School.
Seddon St
Kapiti Coast
Friday 6th September 2013
Dear Room 15,
Hi! We’re Matarena and Jemma,
We have been coming into your class to see how much power you were using because everyone in our class is doing a survey about how much power classes use around the school. Over lunch time and morning tea I have noticed that your class has been using a lot of power, like leaving heaters on, the computers and lights.
I have got some reasons for you why we should save power. We want to save power so that we can save money for the school and so that we can get more fun stuff for the the classes, and so that it will help the environment. Wouldn’t you want to spend money on sport gear and all of that fun stuff rather than wasting all of this electricity when you don’t even need it.
Did you know that we have 236 lights in classrooms and that most are left on during playtimes and lunchtimes when nobody is in the room. Remember that as well, there are the ones in the office. There are also 123 desktop computers in classrooms and most of are left on and the staff ones as well plus the ones that the teachers have. That adds up to a lot of electricity being used.
So if you want to help the school then turn off your lights and other electrical things during playtimes and lunchtimes. Thank You !
Your sincerely,.
Matarena and Jemma.
Here is a photo of Room 15 with their lights on during lunchtime.
Mrs Lemana turns the lights off - Isn’t she awesome, because she is saving power!
Jasmine and Liezel Rm 6
Waikanae school
Seddon St
Kapiti coast
Wednesday 4th September 2013
Dear Room 21
"Hi we are Jasmine and Liezel" ,and we are here to speak about how much power you use and how much power you can save.
Room 6 is doing a survey about how much power you have been using during lunch times over the last 5 weeks, we have been doing the survey while you guys have been outside playing on sunny days around in the time you do not need to use power.
Do you want to help the world live longer and be a hero then start turning off lights computers and heaters and all electronics that don’t need to be used. Just think about how much power you use a day and how much power you can save. If people continue to think this way then the world will not be as good as it could be. So spread the word to save power and be a hero. I believe that
if people change the world will be better place.
The amount of power been used on heaters 75% on and 25% off so that is not as good as we could do. I believe we can improve so turn off heaters when they are not needed. Also we have tallied how much power is used on projectors, 75% on, 20% off and 5% has no projector. So try to improve in what you can.
All of yous should improve because the money you save by turning off power stuff, could be spent on sports gear or more fun trips to go on.
have you ever wondered how electricity is made you may be surprised that electricity comes from magnets. But some power places have coal fired generation which use's a lot of coal and that is bad for earth. So the more you save power the less coal gets burned and the better the world is.
So remember to to turn off lights and electronics, remember even a switch left on can use power. Just think about all that power you can save. Thank you for listening.
Your sincerelyLiezel and Jasmine
This is room 21 with there lights on.
Oh look Mrs McKenzie turned off the light, they must have the best teacher ever!!!!
Waikanae School.
Seddon St
Kapiti Coast
Friday 6th September 2013
Dear Room 15,
Hi! We’re Matarena and Jemma,
We have been coming into your class to see how much power you were using because everyone in our class is doing a survey about how much power classes use around the school. Over lunch time and morning tea I have noticed that your class has been using a lot of power, like leaving heaters on, the computers and lights.
I have got some reasons for you why we should save power. We want to save power so that we can save money for the school and so that we can get more fun stuff for the the classes, and so that it will help the environment. Wouldn’t you want to spend money on sport gear and all of that fun stuff rather than wasting all of this electricity when you don’t even need it.
Did you know that we have 236 lights in classrooms and that most are left on during playtimes and lunchtimes when nobody is in the room. Remember that as well, there are the ones in the office. There are also 123 desktop computers in classrooms and most of are left on and the staff ones as well plus the ones that the teachers have. That adds up to a lot of electricity being used.
So if you want to help the school then turn off your lights and other electrical things during playtimes and lunchtimes. Thank You !
Your sincerely,.
Matarena and Jemma.
Here is a photo of Room 15 with their lights on during lunchtime.
Mrs Lemana turns the lights off - Isn’t she awesome, because she is saving power!
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Waikanae school
Seddon St
Kapiti Coast
Thursday 5 September 2013
Dear room 8
Room 6 are doing a survey on how much power our school are using. We are doing this to see how much power we are using and try and save as much money and power as we can. There are already ways that we know we can save power without doing a survey. The reason we want to save power is that everyone is using so much power that people are building more and more dames to keep up the demand of power. Dames are bad for the environment and building more isn't helping, it is making it worse. Also the money we are spending on power, some of it could be spent on the children's learning. Like a school trip or some new learning gear.
We discovered that over 236 classroom lights and over 123 desktop computer screens and lots of those are left on during morning tea and lunch . There are also the staff room lights and many laptops using power as well. There are also children that go on the computer and play lots of uneducated games like bad ice cream and club penguin. These sorts of games use lots of power and money and do not help us learn. There are also heaters , projectors, sound systems and other things that are being left on during morning tea and lunch time.
There is so much power being wasted over morning tea and lunch that it is not funny. We want to save as much money as we can, so here are some ways you can do your bit for the school to save money. To save money for the school you can turn off the heater before you go out for lunch. Make sure the lights are off,the projector, desk top screens, the sound system and anything that uses electricity. If you have a printer in your room make sure it is on standby before you go out to eat. After lunch and morning tea you can turn it on and use it again.
Your sincerely
Hannah guy and Drenna Falaniko
Room 17 power saving letter by Aidan.C
room 11
waikanae school
seddon street
new zealand
dear room 17 you are using too much of the school's technology resources. such as computers, lights, and heaters. turn off the appliances when you are not using them, use warm clothing to keep yourself warm. Please turn off these following items at morning tea and lunchtime projector, heater, computers and lights if you do this you will be saving the school money and they will be able to spend that money on p.e gear and more things that the school would want. Would you want more p.e gear than more power bills? so have a little think about saving power.
by Aidan.C and Dylan.B
Dear Room 8
Waikanae School.
Seddon st
Kapiti Coast
Wednesday 4th September 2013
Dear Room 8,
Hi I’m Kenza,
Room 6 are doing a survey on all the power that the school uses and I have been
doing your room over the past few days and seen all the power that you use and room 6
and I with our biggest manners would like you to try and keep all lights off, and by doing
that you will save the school a lot of money. Because wouldn't you want the school spending money on sport gear rather than electricity bills. Did you know that over 236 lights are left on plus the staff room lights and over 123 desktop computers are left on plus the ones that are being used and plugged in, in the staff room to what a waste of electricity isn’t it don’t you think that..
Over the last week I have noticed that you guys have left all of your lights on every single time you go outside for morning tea and lunch.What I have also noticed the big computers have always been left on and never turned off. So all room 6 and I is asking is that can you turn off whatever you are not using well you are gone so that the school isn’t paying bills just because of light and all that not being turned off when they are supposed to. So if you want the school to save the money and spend it on sports gear instead of paying a whole pile of bills that would be better for everyone. Because some kids at school want to have fun as well as work and learn.
So what everyone, even Mr Campbell thinks this but we all need you to please turn off any source of power that you are not using and that would be very helpful for the school. and even Mr Campbell would enjoy not paying all these bills all the time. so if you are wanting to do this then you are doing the school a very big favor thank you for listening and i hope that you have learnt a lot from what i have told you.
Your sincerely
Kenza Si-Lounis.
Rm 6
Waikanae school
Seddon street
Kapiti coast Waikanae
4 September 2013
Dear Rm 2
I am Madeline, I am writing this letter about power saving to tell you about how much power you’re using and how to save it. As you know you have seen us coming into your classroom and counting down how many lights, computers and other objects that use power are on. That because me and my class are wanting to save power so we have been doing surveys.
You should turn off and use only with purpose power objects because the school could save more money for trips and sports and art supplies. Other people in the public could use this power. And the more power we use the more chance we will have power cuts and brownouts.
I have been into your classroom and used the information to make facts and proof. Did you know that there are over 236 classroom lights and over 123 desktop computers throughout the school!!! Honestly we are using to much power.
I have asked and came up with some of my own suggestions on how to save power.
Teneka and Lucy said “ You could try turning off lights when it’s sunny outside”
You could use computers only for purpose.
Only use the sound system when you need to.
And do more face to face interactive stuff rather than just sitting on the computer chatting on gmail when you go over and talk to him or her.
So please try to start saving power and energy and start saving power now!!Good luck on saving power.
Sincerely, Madeline
by charlie
room6 waikanae primary
school seddon st waikanae
friday 5th september 2013
dear room 7
hi its charlie and i am trying to save money for waikanae school by turning every electrical device of at morning tea and lunch time. if we go through every class we could save thousands so we should give it a go.
there is almost 300 lights in the school and we could turn them off for just over one hour a day so we could save so much money.and maybe we will be able to buy the hockey turf sooner than we think we all just need to do our little bit and soon we will be playing hockey at waikanae school!!!
and we will be won of the only schools in kapiti to have a hockey turf just because of saving power.
there are almost 200 desktop computers in this school and if they were turned off for about an hour we could save a lot of money so i think that over three months we might be able to save about 300 dollars and imagine getting all that money for the school for doing practically doing nothing we all just need to do one thing and we will save its a big win so lets do it!
thank you for listing and i hope you make an effort to save power and maby we can get that hockey turf sooner.
yours sincerely from charlie.
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