How To Make a Three Step UV Bracelets.
By Liezel and Drenna.
about 3 different colours of wool.
Uv beads (about five or more)
Hi we are Liezel and Drenna and we are going to show you how to make UV bracelets, have fun making them.
1.Get three colors of wool and start plaiting your three colours of wool, until it is big enough for your wrist size and then leave.
2.And then you get your plaited wool , get all of your UV beads and then put them on the plaited wool (try not to ruin your plait if you do just start again) .
3. Once you're done ask your mum/dad/sibling to help you put your bracelet on.
Thank you for reading this and we hope your enjoyed making UV bracelets.
i think this is a great intructions and lots of puncuation