Welcome to this Room 11 blog. Our learning philosophy is to LEARN, CREATE an artifact that shows our learning, and then SHARE it in creative ways, including posting it here on this blog.The purpose of this blog is for students to become accustomed to sharing their learning, recieving feedback, and preparing them for having their very own blog.While students will make every effort to have work corrected and error free it is in fact authentic student work, showing where students are at, and so there are likely to be some mistakes. The aim is to note progress and improvement, and we expect to see this over time.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

By Drenna

Scene:It was monday morning at waikanae and Jade was in bed in her phone texting to her friend Kiera they were  chatting and chatting. And then Jade had to go and have breakfast.

Mum:Hi Jade.

Jade:Hi mum um what is for breakfast.

Mum:Oh um pancakes i'll go and make it know.

Jade:Ok then ill go and watch tv and white for Lill and Kiera.

Scene:So Jade went and watched tv and then Kiera came and Jade went and opened the door.

Jade:Hi Kiera.
Kiera:Hi Jade.

Jade:Um do you want to come to my room.

Kiera:Ok lets go.

Scene:So Kiera went to Jades room to wait for Lilly.

Jade:So Kiera what do you want to do.

Kiera:Um do you want to go and watch tv.

Jade:Ok then and we can wait for Lilly.

Scene:So Jade and Kiera went to watch tv and eat to and then Lilly come.

Lilly:Hi guys

Jade and kiera:Hi.

Jade:Um do you guys want to go to my room.

Lilly and Kiera:Ok.

Scene:So off they went to Jade’s room.When they got to Jade’s room Lilly but down her bag on the ground were Kiera’s bag was and then they went and got someting to eat and then they went and watched TV.

Jade:So guys what do you want to eat.

Lilly and kiera:I don't know.

Jade:I know what to eat.



Lilly:I like chocolate.

Kiera:I do.

Jade:So do you guys want to eat it.

Kiera:I would love to.

Jade:Um black or white.

Lilly and Kiera:Um white.

Scene:So Jade went and got some chocolate and they went and watched TV.

Kiera:So what are we going to watch.

Jade:Um do you want to watch the hobbit.


Scene:So they went and watched hobbit and then Jade’s mum come.

Mum:Hey Jade what are you guys watching?

Jade:Um the hobbit.

Mum:Oh ok, well i am going to make dinner and when i'm done you have to come and eat.

Jade:Ok mum.

Scene:So mum went and made dinner.When she had done making dinner she called out to Jade and said ‘Jade dinner time” and then Jade tuned of the TV and they went and had dinner.

Mum:So guys what do you want to get there is saugers and some saugers roll.

Lilly:Um i want some saugers roll.

Kiera:And i want some too.

Jade:And i want both.

Mum:And i want to eat both too.

Scene:So they eat and eat.When they were done they all went and watched TV and had ice cream.


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