we went sailing we had to get our togs on when we went in the water and we also had to where life jackets when we went in the water he asked us all to get in the boat once and it sunk we got to us water guns if your going some where you need to point the rudder in the opposite direction our boat was called boy rooms i manged to shoot lots of people with my water gun the man who owned the boats had a dog and every time you threw the stick the dog would go get the stick when it was time to go home we went in the parents car and when we got out i went to the bus stop the end.
This is an exciting blog from Room 11 children giving them the opportunity to learn, create and share their discoveries.
Welcome to this Room 11 blog. Our learning philosophy is to LEARN, CREATE an artifact that shows our learning, and then SHARE it in creative ways, including posting it here on this blog.The purpose of this blog is for students to become accustomed to sharing their learning, recieving feedback, and preparing them for having their very own blog.While students will make every effort to have work corrected and error free it is in fact authentic student work, showing where students are at, and so there are likely to be some mistakes. The aim is to note progress and improvement, and we expect to see this over time.
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Beach Education
On the 20th of November room 6 and room 19 went to the paekakariki surf club to learn about beach education. We left at 9am and we traveled there by bus. when we got there the life guards took us into the life guard shelter thats were we put all our bags. Then they took us into the room and they introduced themselves to us. Then we got into our to classrooms one class went to take a tour of the place and the other classroom looked at the first aid kit. We went to tour the place we looked at all the boats to use incase somebody was in trouble. I was really cool. Then we swapped over. We sat down to look at the first aid kit. We saw the vomit back it was disgusting and the thing to help you breath. After we had morning tea.
After we had morning tea we did relays. A group of children had to go with each parent i went with kenzas mum and some other people. we did relays so another group had to join up with another group. The first one we had to do is just run. then we had to run with a rescue tube then two people had go on the rescue tube. Then one person had a rescue tube and and had to wear flippers they were so small and so uncomfortable but we got threw it in the end. After we did watch a video about beach education and be safe in the water they taught these five rules but i can't remember them but it was a cool video to watch. After we watched the video we had lunch where we had all our bags in.
After we had lunch we had to go change to get ready to go in the water. We all went down to change and came back outside to see what our next instruction was. All the boys had to go with the boy lifeguard and all the girls had to go with the girl lifeguard. We did some running and the boys did some running. We practised some dolphin diving so then we could do it in the water. There was a big circle of parents so we had to stay inside that circle. It was fun we went after the boys.
We were all finished in the water. We had to go change back in the changing rooms. Then come out again. We went threw the rules again while we were waiting for the bus to arrive.The bus came and then we came back to school.
By Ioana
Thursday, 7 November 2013
chalk drawing
we did chalk drawings on the pavement i drew a train' and we got to climb up high and we can draw on the wall lots of people drew fireworks and charlie' drew his own name there where' lots of creative drawings around the place it. was fun drawing. 
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
how to save power
1 turn off the lights
2 turn off all not used electric stuff like TV radio lamp light laptop and phone oven
3 make sure you turn off all the lights in a empty room
4 turn off the TV when its not being used
5 don't leave
2 turn off all not used electric stuff like TV radio lamp light laptop and phone oven
3 make sure you turn off all the lights in a empty room
4 turn off the TV when its not being used
5 don't leave
jack and jill
Jack and Jill
:characters jack Jill mom narrator
:Jack Jill i don't think it is safe to go up this hill
: Jill its fine nothing will go wrong
:narrator jack and Jill go up the hill and get a bucket of water
:narrator jack falls down and breaks his crown
:narrator and Jill comes tumbling after
:Jack wow ow ow ow ow ow ow my head!!
:Jill jack ill save you ow ow ow wee barrel roll.
:Jack omg Jill is going to crush me ow!!!!
:mom kids i told you to be careful when climbing that blasted hill now go to your room narrator :the end
Jack and Jill
Author Charlie
Narrator:Jack and Jill were sent up the hill to get a pail of water from the well.
Dad: See you soon.
Mum: Keep safe - don’t forget the bucket.
Jill: Ok bye. I’ll get the bucket from behind the cottage. I’m back.
Jack: lets go.
Jill: Yea the faster the better
norator:So jack and jill went up the hill.
Jill: Oh finally were here ill grab the water.
Norater: Jack slips.
Jack:Oh no help ahhhhhhh.
Jill: I am coming
Norator:Jill races down the hill with the water.
Jack:Oh oh my head.
Jill: Comon lets get you home.
Norator:Mum comes out.
Mum: What happened.
Jack:I fell over.
Dad:Lets get you patched up.
The end
a tight spot
steve- duncan
john - ethan
insurgentes aidan j connor aidan c
this play is based of a real event in the start of the ground war of desert storm involving a squadron of f-18s a team of green berets and over 300 insurgents
,steve,fred jerry,john are in the mission briefing room
( jerry) what is this
(fred) i don't know
(john) mabey its one of sarge’s training exercise
( fred jerry steve) what………a training exercise …. now
(john) you know drags us to the middle of know where and tells us to get to a base camp
sarge enters the room
( sarge) ATTENTION
( steve john fred jerry straighten up)\
(sarge) you are now on a mission you will get picked up by a helicopter in 60 minutes to take you to the a wadi you are to observe military traffic and report back
(120 minutes later )
( pilot) green light for drop go go go
( everyone is off the helicopter )
( john) clear
(fred) form up formation one five meters head west by south
20 minutes later
(sence) explosion gunfire and a rocket launcher firing
(john) ENEMY
(steve into radio) we need air support
sound effects sheeew…………KAPPOOOOOOOMMMMMM
(john) incoming
(fred) hit the deck
(pilot)chopper one five one to ground team what is your status
(fred into radio) requesting stealth hawk and support air support
(pilot) roger that ….. , a flight of f-18s scrambling
(fred) roger that
20 minutes later
(pilot ) ground team what is your location
(fred) can you see lines running towards the highway
(john) insurgents 12 o'clock move it
(fred ) we are at the third line we need air support 200 meters south of that line
(pilot) roger that
boom boom boom boom boom boom boom
(fred) danger close 50 meters closer
(pilot) roger that
boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom
(fred)25 meters closer danger close
(pilot) no to close
(fred) look were gonna die if you don't drop that bomb if you drop that bomb we might survive
(pilot) okay
boom boom boom
(pilot) you okay
(pilot )ground team
(fred) good hit good hit
turns to night
(pilot) chopper 121 incoming
team runs of stage
the end
script by duncan
Mr And Mrs Cat
Mr Cat
Mrs Cat
Doggy Dog
Evil Villain 12
By Jasmine R
Scene: Cats are at home trying to escape to save the world from an Evil Villain 12.
Sally: Her pus pus come and get something to eat. (Sally walks over to the cats.)
Mr Cat: Run we need to escape from the hunman her voice is taking over my brain get the gun shoot her Mrs Cat.
Mrs Cat: ( Grabs the gun shoots her in the forehead and sally falls to the ground.) Bullseye lets go and escape from the escape from the escape rout.
Mr Cat: Okay lets go.
( The cats slide down the escape route and Mr cat says the place they want to go Mr Cat : Evil Villain Number 12 (in the microphone)
Mr Cat: Wihooo, Ouch where are we.
Mrs cat: I think were at the Evil Villains 12 dungeon.
Mr Cat: yeah.
Evil Villain number 12: Yes you guys are in my dungeon and you are know my prisoner.
Mr Cat: Who said i came here to be your prisoner well i didn’t i came here to save the world from you.
( Mrs Cat ties up the evil villain and then mr cat drags him into the big rubbish bin)
Mrs Cat: watch out here comes the dog.
Doggy: wolf wolf do not take my master away.
(Mrs cat gets out lollies and the dog comes running towards Mrs cat)
Doggy: Lollies lollies lollies!!! I need lollies.
( Doggy steels the lollies off Mrs Cat.)
Doggy: you are know my master what would you like me to do.
Mrs cat: Well this was easy to get the dog to be my master. well you may know fall asleep and be free.
Doggy: Thank you master you are the bt master.( dog runs off stage while he says this line)
( Then Mr and Mrs Cat went home down the shoot and fell fast asleep.)
The End
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