Welcome to this Room 11 blog. Our learning philosophy is to LEARN, CREATE an artifact that shows our learning, and then SHARE it in creative ways, including posting it here on this blog.The purpose of this blog is for students to become accustomed to sharing their learning, recieving feedback, and preparing them for having their very own blog.While students will make every effort to have work corrected and error free it is in fact authentic student work, showing where students are at, and so there are likely to be some mistakes. The aim is to note progress and improvement, and we expect to see this over time.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Tuesday 29th October.

WALT: Write using out choice of a report  or a recount.

kapiti College marae
Friday 25th October

On Friday the 25th of October all of the Te Aramoana kids went to the marse. When we all got to class our teacher did the roll the we went to line up to wait for the buses to come and picked us up to go to the marae. When we got there we were welcomed onto the grounds then we went the wharenui. When we got to the wharenui we had to take our shoes off and our bag too. When we all had done it, the boys had to go into the wharenui to do the hongi with some of Kapiti College kids and with Matua paora. After when the boys were done, the girls had to do it too. Then Matua paora did a speech all in maori then they sang a song. After they sang a song, we did a speech too. Marcus,dean and Manaaki did the speech and then Grace,lilly and Ave stood up and sang a song then we had to stand up and sing the song too. then we went to morning tea and we went and play. After that we went to the whare kai to do the haka and we went in to two groups. After when we were done the, the haka we shoued everyone our haka. Then we walked where the buses were, then the Kapiti Kids did a thank you haka, and the n we went back to school. By Drenna
Jack and Jill





scene: Jack and jill were in the house with there mother and they wanted to help out.

Mother: Hey jack and jill why don't you go up the hills to grab some water.

Jack: Ok ya thats a good idea race you to the top.

Scene: Jack and jill race up the hill and Jack said 123go and of they went.

Jack: come on jill.

Scene: Jack and jill got some water and then jack said.

Jack: ahhhhhhhhhhhh i think i cracked my crown.

Jill: Jack i am coming for you.

Sence: Then jill slipped and got the bucket on her head and then she went rolling down the hill.

Jack: jill are you all right.

sence: Then Jack sated pulling the bucket out of her head.

Jill: Are you alright too.

Jack: yes i am oh ok lets go home.

By drenna and ioana.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013


I went to wellington with a friend in the holidays. we went to have a look in the shops. The first shop we went to was lush it is a soap shop. Then we went to look at some other cool shops.

we  went to kirkcauladies in there they had lots of decurations whtch was cool .

Then we went to get some food I got macdonalds. I had the smurf combo. Then we walked down to the park to eat my food. All the birds wanted y food it was annoying.

Then we went to a few more shops and we left home to go. It was really fun .

the end

by Ioana

Sunday, 20 October 2013


By George Curtis and Ethan Farrell

My name is George and mine is Ethan and we disagree with the idea of locking the doors at morning tea and lunch so we are going to tell you about why we disagree and why teachers should not lock the doors.

What if some kid was being bullied and needed a place to hide!!! but if the teacher locked the door the child will be bullied till the end of morning tea/lunch. What if a child was in the cold rain and did not have a coat and went to the classroom to get it and the class was locked and then the child had to wait in the freezing cold till the teacher came to open the door.     

What if a fire started and we need the fire extinguisher. Or if a kid had to go home they  can’t get their bags to go home.and if it started to rain and then the kids will be stuck outside in the rain.if you came late and if it was lunch you will be stuck outside. What if you were inside the classroom and the teacher lock you in and you could not get out. or if you left your lunch outside and it started to rain             

What if you were in a different class using computers and the bell went for lunch. you went to class and then to your surprise the teacher has already locked the door, and then you spend half of your lunch finding your teacher  and unlocking the classroom door. What if you hurt your self and the office ran out of band aids and your teacher had a pack and you went to get it and the and the class was locked so then you would be outside sore and upset about your scare.

What if you were eating lunch and then someone bumped into you, and you dropped your food and you left your lunch box inside and the teacher has locked the door. Then you would be spending half of your lunchtime finding your teacher and unlocking the door. What if you were eating lunch peacefully and then your little brother/sister comes along and says he is hungry and can he/she have some of your lunch and then you say yes so you go and get your lunch box and you jiggle the door handle and realize that the door is locked and then your little brother is very unhappy because he is hungry.

We think that you have a pretty good idea what side we would be on and that side is DO NOT LOCK CLASSROOM DOORS so if you are a teacher please pretty please do not lock classroom doors we think it is the most idiotic idea ever if you want to join do not lock classroom doors please send us an email at curgeo@waikanae.school.nz or fareth@waikanae.school.nz or come to room 6 to tell us Thank you for reading. By George Curtis and Ethan Farrell

The Sleepover

The Sleepover In The Cabin  

In the holidays me and my sister had a sleepover at Nicholas’s house.   We slept in the cabin for the night without Nicholas’s sister (because Evy had just had a 5 hour long party)  wast we sat in the cabin watching Scobedobedo and other moves.

In the morning we had breakfast then we did all the jobs.  Then played minecraft all day until my mum came and picked us up to go home.


Thursday, 17 October 2013

The Zoo!

Have you ever touched a Kangaroo or seen a big black porcupine? well if you haven't,
read this.

At wellington Zoo there are all types of animals, like giraffes, penguins and all sorts of cool as animals. That entertain you a lot and some are really scary. like the spiders they are probably the scariest. But the animals have all sorts of cool personalities that can be funny like the monkeys there really funny.

The giraffe is tall with long strong legs.They are yellow, with small brown dots. You can feed the giraffes but the food is really smelly. There were three giraffes, but one of them died about two months ago, so know theres only three but its still really cool. There really tall. Especially their necks there like 2 meters tall. Did you know that the giraffe is one of the tallest animals in the world, the adult male can grow up to 5.2 meters tall thats about three men standing on each others shoulders. Thats tall !!!

Also there are kangaroos that jump high freely around the zoo. They are short and furry and also really friendly, they have long slim ears just like a rabbit. They also have long hind legs that let them spring of the ground.  You can pat them and hug them as long as they don’t run away.  Did you know that the male can grow up to two meters tall and weigh 90kgs. Thats so tall there huge even there feet can grow huge as well.

There are even spiky lack porcupines. That are black and white with big long spikes that can puff up like a balloon. The porcupines are big and lazy. But look awesome with there mean as spikes.

In then her comes the big hairy freaky spider that has 8 long freaky legs!!!  the spider is so big that makes children wonder how much insects  they can kill. But they are really furry, but I still  wouldn't touch them if I was you.

But not the bird century, the bird century is a nice peaceful place for some people. As the birds fly across your head as they hummm. People try and creep up to the birds t touch them but usually the bird is too smart and flies away before you can even touch them.

The zoo is really cool so if you haven't been there then you should go check it out. It is so cool there especially the monkeys there so cool so go and look at all the cool as animals
By Jasmine/ The End

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

15th october 2013              Driving a Digger
On sunday the 13th October for the first time my dad let me drive a digger on my own.I had to walk the 4 tonne digger over to grandads shed so we could lift/move the shed while we were working on it.

First my dad told me the controls once i'd learnt them i was gone. i had to stop because dad said i could learn to dig so I played around with the bucket for ten minutes and over time i learnt. Then i went right up to the shed then i had to hop out because dad needed to finish it off.

Once that was done dad had to take the digger back to goodmans.Then all we had to do was take all the nails that were sticking out out.

Now grandad has a new shed to park his car and put his tools in. 160 words