Welcome to this Room 11 blog. Our learning philosophy is to LEARN, CREATE an artifact that shows our learning, and then SHARE it in creative ways, including posting it here on this blog.The purpose of this blog is for students to become accustomed to sharing their learning, recieving feedback, and preparing them for having their very own blog.While students will make every effort to have work corrected and error free it is in fact authentic student work, showing where students are at, and so there are likely to be some mistakes. The aim is to note progress and improvement, and we expect to see this over time.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Description: http://r54.cooltext.com/rendered/cooltext1049982122.png

Cockatiels were first found in Australia in 1770 and are parrots.

Adult cockatiels grow to 30cm long from head to tail, there is only one type of cockatiel but there is also several different color’s. Cockatiels reach the size of an adult bird of about 8 weeks of age. Males are basically 12-13 inches long, cockatiels weigh about 80 -102 grams, Females are the same in length but weigh a little less than males. Birds have around 2000-3000 feathers.

Cockatiels are found and live in Australia where they prefer to roam freely around the bush lands and round places that are wet like pounds. The cockatiel is a bird that many adopt as pets so most of the cockatiels manly live in cages. The cockatiel life span can reach up to 22 years, but the
 age they live up to is about 15 years.

Description: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg61krf0BjeCfsjbaOC0LIBKpQ5lH5mYX1V6HVbn7lijYfX06-iuzLzuLzYsICU-8ys1YcoKGUr-JtCxTc8pQlahXLLa2GNWMvg9HrQPe8NEDlqYhvz9BlwSTEYwx1jTyAol2PBBUrg44M/s1600/Normal+Grey+Cockatiel.JPGThe males have a much better vocal range and can learn to talk and whistle songs. When cockatiels spread their wings their trying to get your attention from you or their mates attention to show off their colors. In the wild the male cockatiel use sounds to attract females. A Cockatiels is the most widely kept parrot apart from a parakeet or budgie.                    The cockatiel life span can reach up to 22 years, though they usually reach 15 years.  It is normal for a cockatiel to hiss if a cockatiel hiss that means that it is frightened and feels threatened. Cockatiel breeding season lasts from August to December, but they can breed all year round and. A cockatiel nest is usually found in hollow tree limbs or trunk holes, especially the cockatiels near water. A standard cockatiel eggs is 4 to 7 eggs, laid every day, and hatching follows within 18-21 days. When cockatiel’s birds feet are warm it means that they are healthy if the birds feet are cold it means that it is frightened, upset or sick. Cockatiels hang upside down because they are confident, feeling playful or just enjoying life. It’s also a way for birds to exercise their wings. Sometimes cockatiel’s block their entrance of their cage because they want to protect their cage or their eggs. Cockatiels fluff up tier feathers to relax , they will often do this after a fight or preening. If a bird is fluffed up all the time it is a sign of illness. Cockatiels pick at their feet to get off old pieces of skin or flake skin and pieces of food.   

People like having cockatiels at home because they are really intelligent.

By Jasmine Rickard 

A lizard can unentach it's tail so it can escape from a predata but not all lizards can do this because they have a different affect which is colour vision   

Plagiarism and writing our stories.

We are using Blogger to share our learning.  Today's writing activity is about how we write our own words, not just copy someone else's and call it our own.
The original text was
Many lizards can detach their tails to escape from predators, an act called autotomy, but this ability is not shared by all lizards. Vision, including color vision, is particularly well developed in most lizards, and most communicate with body language or bright colors on their bodies, as well as with pheromones
We had to use this to write our own notes or stor in our own words.
Here is what we came up with.......  


lots of lizards can make their tails fall off to try and getaway from predators. But some lizards can't  do that
but they can do other things. like: color vision, they can communicate with body language is well. also the
lizards hat can make there tail fall  can make there tail grow back.

by teneka

A lizards tail By Hannah

Lots of lizards can drop their tails. They do this if they need to run away from things that might harm them such as dogs,birds,people and whole lot  more. This is called autotomy. Not all lizards can do this. Most lizards communicate with bright colours or body language which I think is pretty cool. 


Hi my name is Kenza and i have no idea what I am doing on here but yeah I am just testing so please do not write back!

You can only write back if you actually think that this story is good enough.


Many lizards can make there tail fall off and then they can grow there tail back simply.
they make it fall it of so that the bird or what ever is about to attack it eat its tail instead
Not all lizards can see including seeing colors. Most lizards can communicate by changing  

Make a simple sycamore spinner/windmill.

How to make an awesome Windmill

What you will need:




Sycamore Seed


Are you bored? Do you feel like creating something by hand? I am going to tell you how to make an awesome windmill that actually spins!

1.      Get all the items from above
2.      Get your pin and stick it through the seed of your Sycamore until it goes fully through.
3.      Now push the end of the pin – Not the sharp one, into your pencil. (You may need to make the hole in your pin with a nail)
4.      Repeat steps 2 & 3 to put another sycamore seed onto your Sycamore Spinner.


Congratulations on making your Windmill/Sycamore Spinner & thanks for reading/listening to my instructions on how to make a Windmill/Sycamore Spinner.

By Lucy RM 11.

The Lizards Tail

This is my story with some facts about a lizard and it's tail.

The Lizards Tail

The lizard's tail can fall off. Not all lizards can make their tails fall of.

Lizards can communicate by changing colours and moving their bodies.

By Lucy RM 11
hi my name is Sam and i want you to have a  look at my work.


Lizards can always escape from predators by making their tail fall of.

[Story] Baby Sitting - By Lucy.

      Baby Sitting
Have you ever looked after a baby or a toddler?
have, I looked after my cousins Jaimy and Gracie. Jaimy is about 3 years old, and Gracie is about 8 Weeks. They came to our house on Saturday. First of all, me, Emily and Imogen played in the playroom with Jaimy. After that, she made up play princess’s I got pretty bored. Then at last, it was time to go out. Jaimy hugged her Mum because she didn’t want to go. We FINALLY Got her and Gracie into our car. I went in my Mums car with Jaimy and Gracie. Where we went was the Warehouse, to get Jaimy some Dora movies. She was really lucky as she got 3 Dora Movies and a “Jake and the Pirates” Book! While me, Emily and Imogen were waiting for mum, dad and Jaimy, we stood by Gracie’s pram. Gracie put on SUCH A cute smile! Next we went to McDonalds, and Jaimy had never been there before as she does not live near us. She spent a lot of time on the Play Area. Then we went to 2 parks and we had a load of fun! I went home with my mum, Gracie and Jaimy. When we got home, I put Dora on for Jaimy and she snuggled on the couch and watched her Dora movies until about 7:00, her bedtime. Here comes the hard part. We couldn’t get her into her PJs at first! Finally she got into bed, but it took her a while to get to sleep. Then at about 9:30 me and Emily went to sleep. In the morning I was woken up by Gracie and her screaming at 8:30AM. We watched ALL the Dora’s again and Jaimy and her sister left at about  12:30.
That’s the end of my story.

By Lucy, RM 11.


Cockatiels Description: http://animal-backgrounds.com/download/1546/1024x1024/crop/lovely-cockatiel-wallpaper-1024x1024.jpgby Charlie  
Most cockatiels have an orange spot on their cheek.
A cockatiels life span is usually 15 to 20 years old.  The oldest cockatiel lived to 32 years old. They have a lot shorter life than us.
Most cockatiels are found in Australia or Tasmania they are usually found in corners of islands not in the middle.
The cockatiels attitude is very greedy .Like if they want to sleep they will need a big bed. They all ways want more than they need.
People like having them as pet because they are very intelligent.              
                                by Charlie    

 Cockatiels by liezel

Cockatiels are parrots, and where found in Australia in 1770.

Adult cockatiels grow to 30cm long from head to tail, cockatiels can be several types of colors, they have wings and two feet, they can weigh about 80-102 grams, and females are the same in the length but weigh a little less than males.

The cockatiel was first found in Australia, they like to roam around the wetland and like to be free, they like to travel in small flocks and sometimes in pairs. The cockatiels are adopted and cheap in cages.

Cockatiels hiss when they are frightened or feel threatened, that will mean you need to leave it alone till it clams down or it will give you a nasty bite. If a bird’s cage mate dies they might scream, or it will scream when there is danger by, if a cockatiel feels threatened it will move to a corner and you will need to leave it for a little bit. If your bird hangs up side down it just mean that your bird is playful and enjoys life.

People like having cockatiels as pets because they are fun and intelligent.

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Sycamore Spinners
Do you want to learn how to make a windmill pencil. If you do read these instructions and you will soon know how.
Things you will need
. pencil
. sycamore seed
. nail
. sowing pin
1. Push the sycamore seed into the pointy end of the nail but hold the nail up so that it doesn’t move. If the sycamore seed cracks try again with another seed until you can get a hole in the seed and not a crack.
2. Turn the nail round to make the hole bigger. Turn the nail about 5 times. Pull the nail out very carefully and put it some where where nobody will get hurt by it and is out of the way.
3. Put the pointy end of the sowing pin throw the hole you made in the seed. Once you have done that put the blunt end of the sowing pin on the table. Get your pencil and push it onto the pointy end of the sowing pin, make sure it is at the end of your pencil. Hold the sowing pin so that it doesn’t fall over or break.
4. When you think the pin has been push into the pencil and won’t fall out you can find a fan or something like a fan to test it out. If it doesn’t work try it again but if it does WELL DONE.

Now you have a fun and great looking pencil windmill and you also have a great pencil decoration.
By Hannah

Room 11s 2013 Learning Adventures:

Room 11s 2013 Learning Adventures: